Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Viva Eyeshadow Cream Review

Hi, everybody.

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I just bought some cream eyeshadow from local brand which is Viva. Viva is well know Indonesia cosmetic brand since long time ago (even my grandma use their milk cleanser since her young). I confess that it was outdated, but I'm still curious about it.

I bought 5 different shades: Purple, Red, Blue, Silver, and Green. They came with small packages with clear plastic cap, so you can easily find the color.

Viva Cream Shadow: Silver, Green, Purple, Blue, and Red
The texture and pigmentation are different for each color. Some color feel dry and the others are quite creamy and thick. I will show you one by one below:

1. Purple (Ungu) - Matte

The texture are quite creamy, some beauty blogger state that it easily apply by your finger but, I prefer to use my brush due to hygiene. For your notice not every single color can lifted by brush, and for this purple I can apply with my brush. The pigmentation quite good, there is pink hint in my eyes and great for base shadow. But as single color, it also good enough considering the price. Blend easily and not feeling greasy in my crease.

2. Red (Merah) - Matte

Firstly, I underestimate this color, I have some red shadow and not of them pigmented as this one. It just totaly red, not pinkish or orange hint. The texture also great, creamy and easily pickup by brush. It pigmented, you just need one swatch each for your eye. It also wearable, you can use for everyday look. It's blend easily. This red become my favorite from all. 

3. Blue (Biru) - Matte


My second favorite after red. The pigmentation is great, creamy, and easily blend. Why it become second rather than red? It little bit dry compare red. But just little bit. Still creamy but under my fav.

4. Silver - Shimmer
Silver here quite hard to pickup by brush. It doesn't pigmented if you use brush. But, when you apply it by finger, it show the color nicely. Good for highlight your brow bone or cupid bow. Nice shimmering but I think not every skin tone can use this color as a highlight (include me). So, I just use this as a base for my shimmering shadow. The texture is dry and not creamy as the other.


5. Green (Hijau) - Matte


I have high expectation for this green and kinda disappointed when the texture and pigmentation not match with my hope. Honestly, it's quite good pigment it's difficult to blend and not strong as the matte series which I tried before. I have to use several time to build and the color doesn't good for my eyes. It's make my eyes look dark and 'kusam'. The texture also dry but easily lifted by brush.

Overall, there my conclusions:
1. Good pigmentation, both for matte and shimmering.
2. Quite cheap. It just Rp 8,800 each or $0.8 each
3. Creamy and can use also as base
4. Good staying power and not feel greasy.
5. Score: 4 of 5

So, what do you think? Have you try this product? Let me know then.

Just play with cream shadow - Harley Quinn Suicide Squad

Regards and Love,


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