Friday, July 29, 2016

Life After Merried

(In Bahasa)

Halo, semuanya...

Banyak ga sih dari kalian yang bertanya-tanya, bagaimana kehidupan kita setelah menikah? Banyak kerabat dan teman yang datang berkunjung ke rumah kami atau tidak sengaja bertemu di suatu acara bertanya, "Gimana rasanya uda jadi nyonya?" atau, "Sekarang sudah jadi Ibu-Ibu betulan ya", kira-kira seperti itulah pertanyaannya.

Rings on

Jujur saja, sampai detik ini saya dan suami masih belajar dalam berumah tangga. Tapi, jika ditanya apa rasanya, yah I can say, it's awsome. Awsome di sini pengertiannya bukan hanya senang dan happy terus, ada kalanya kami mengalami suatu rintangan atau kendala. Namun, di situ lah letak awsome nya. Dimana kita punya partner dalam menghadapi itu semua, berdampingan bersama-sama untuk saling support, saling berbagi, sharing perasaan dan pengalaman.

Show on, babe

Kami tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi kedepannya, we just think positively dan percayakan sepenuhnya kepada Tuhan. Ada yang bilang semakin lama umur pernikahan hal-hal yang saya bilang awsome itu akan menguap, mudah-mudahan itu tidak terjadi pada kami. How to face it, how to handle it itu yang menjadi pengalaman dan pelajaran kami.

My husband regret for his pants... LOL

Mungkin ada dari sebagian kita yang takut akan namanya label 'pernikahan'. Saya juga dulu seperti itu, pemikiran bahwa jika sudah menikah 'kebebasan' untuk bergaul, memilih, berkerja, bermain, dan semua-nya akan sirna ketika status sudah menjadi 'istri orang'. Well, benar adanya sih, saya ga bohong, ketika menikah saya tidak sebebas seperti ketika saya sendiri. Karena otomatis pikiran kita akan mendahulukan pasangan, swear dech. Berutunglah saya punya pasangan yang sangat-sangat pengertian akan hal ini. Suami saya orang yang sangat sederhana dan punya pemikiran simple.

Pernikahan itu sesuatu yang rumit jika dijelaskan namun sederhana ketika dijalani dengan baik. Terkadang saya kepingin punya pemikiran sama seperti suami saya yang sederhana dan simple dalam menghadapi suatu permasalahan, tidak dibawa emosi dan enjoy melaluinya.

Satu hal yang tak bisa dipungkiri, pernikahan itu komitmen 2 orang menjadi 1, nanti mungkin akan ada sifat dan perilaku saya yang akan 'ke-Febry2an' dan akan ada Febry yang 'ke-saya2an'. *Note: Febry is my husband's name. Unik kan? Itulah awsomenya pernikahan. Kalau kalian masih belum siap menghadapi itu mendingan jangan menikah, bukan saya saranin untuk jomblo seumur hidup sih, tapi dibandingkan ada penyesalan seumur hidup? Bagi saya, menikah itu sekali dan selamanya sampai kematian memisahkan.

Jika ditanya persiapan apa sih yang dilakukan ketika menikah? Saya jawab ada 2 hal (based on my experience). Mental dan Keuangan. Mental bahwa kita sudah terikat komitmen untuk berjalan berdua dalam keadaan apapun dan tidak bisa lagi memutuskan segala sesuatunya sendirian, ga bisa egois, ga bisa keras kepala. Kemudian, pernikahan itu butuh uang sist, bohong banget kalau kamu bilang pernikahan itu cukup cinta. Banyak pernikahan itu goncang karena masalah uang, so persiapkan dech keuangan setelah menikah. Lifestyle dan gaya hidup harus disesuaikan dengan uang yang kita punya. Kami punya teman dan saudara yang banyak mengalami sindrome family financial decrease (istilah saya) karena gaya hidup mereka tidak diubah setelah menikah.

Saya akui, saya belum layak banyak bicara seperti ini. Pengalaman menikah masih setipis kertas, tapi mau bicara banyak... nope. Intinya bukan disitu, yang saya mau bagikan di sini ialah bagaimana saya dan suami menempuh kehidupan rumah tangga kami kepada orang-orang yang ingin tahu atau sekedar 'kepo' ataupun yang masih ragu untuk menikah. Sehingga, mereka ada gambaran 'sedikit' tentang pernikahan itu sendiri.

Oh, iya baca juga pengalaman kami ya disini seputar vendor pernikahan kami. Semoga berguna bagi capeng-capeng yang mencari referensi. Sekian dulu cerita kami, mungkin jika nanti ada hal menarik lagi, saya bisa lanjutkan posting tersendiri mengenai pernikahan.

Regards and Love,

Monday, July 18, 2016

Just Miss Eyebrow Pencil Review 708A Series

Hi guys,

As my promise before, I will make post for Eyebrow Pencil. Nowdays, eyebrow become a huge trend. Even most of MUA learn technique for ‘Sulam Alis’ to get perfection look in eyebrow. Eyebrow with good shape, huge and tidy become most favorite shape also for Korean eyebrow shape which straight and low arch.


As a beginner of MUA, I tried follow trend – it’s customer demand. IMO, learning of eyebrow shaping need a lot of practice and time. Everyone has their own unique face. Mostly, we can’t get the exactly same between right and left eyebrow (even mine are different arch). But, well it’s ok. We can still look fabulous even with the different eyebrow without cut or shave it too much (sayang banget kalau sampai harus dicukur sampai habis) to get the same eyebrow.

Back to topic, how to archive good eyebrow is back to own personal preference. Some people like pencil, some like powder, and the others love pome. Makeup is art, no one right 100% or no one wrong 100%. Myself like to mixing it. Firstly, I frame it first with pencil to get the shape that I want. Secondly, I use pome or powder sometime to filling the empty space between my brow and the frame. Lastly, brush with spoil to blend everything into natural look.


I want to talk about eyebrow pencil itself. I have tried some brand of eyebrow pencil, mostly from local brand (local brand has good quality as imported one now). I’ve tried Revlon, NYX, LT Pro, Viva, Silkygirl, Just Miss, Maybelline, Oriflame, and so on. I can’t remember one by one. Mostly, MUA Indonesia love Viva Eyebrow Pencils, so do I.

Viva Pencil Eyebrow: Already short enough

The texture is best, it’s glide easily, not too creamy not too hard and the color is wearable (black and brown) for asian women especially for Indonesia women which have black hair. The price also reasonable, around $2.5 or Rp 30,000/each with better quality compare with imported brand.

For some reason I tried Just Miss (code 311). It’s also local brand which safe (BPOM registered) and lower price than Viva – around only $0.4 or Rp 4,000/each. First, I tried this type. I ordered dark brown and light brown shade.

The packaging itself looks like Viva, orange with plastic cap without sharpener or brush. The texture is below Viva, it’s quite hard and dry compare Viva. But, it doesn’t meaning it’s bad. Considering the price, it’s quite ok IMO. The color slightly different, the dark shade is darker than Viva and the light is reddish than Viva.

Last time, when I want to ordered Just Miss pencil again, they run of the light brown shade, and I don’t want to order the dark shade coz I fit with the light one. I try to find the other type but they don’t come with the light shade only black and dark brown. I decided to try another shot for the another type which is 708A (the price a lit bit higher around $ 0.5), I think it’s quite cheap why I don’t try. If not good, at least - it’s not broke my wallet.

I ordered the dark brown and it’s blown my mind. The texture is great, IMO better than Viva with lower price. The shade is slightly darker for me (I color my hair recently) but when I blended with the pome, it’s just great and it also fit with a lot of my clients too.

The compare

Because of that, this eyebrow pencil become my fav now. As we know, to create a good frame of eyebrow, we need sharp pencil to get best angle. Therefore, we must cut the pencil again and again. If we use the pricey pencil, I bet mostly just wasted the products. With the cheaper pencil you can't feeling guilty to cut again and again. The quality also good as the expensive one.

Could you guest? Left: Just Miss 708A Right: Viva Eyebrow Pencil

So, if you search the eyebrow pencil with budget oriented, Just Miss with this type can be your candidate. It’s has good texture, good control (glides smoothly) and pigmented. It also come with brush and sharpener (I just use only the sharpener) as addition value.
How about you, please tell me your think below.

Regards and Love,


My Daily Makeup for Office

Hi everybody,

How’s going? After long holiday (due to Eid Mubarak), I started to writing this blog. As you know, several times ago, I busy with a lot of things. From merried preparation, moving to new house, until honeymoon, all them takes my energy and also I kinda abandon my beauty things life.

Well, know after that, I must go back and catch up everything behind. Today, I opened my small own business line – Fin’s Makeup at my new home, please support me yah… I just started with just only one makeup desk hope it bigger and bigger next time.

Honestly, I’m still busy with my new project and my work. In battle of them, I still try to make this blog ‘a life’. Hahaha… Ok, shall we start? Today, I would like to show you my daily make up routine. As you know, my job doesn’t push me to wearing make up everyday. But, it doesn’t mean that I don’t put any makeup at all. Even though my side job as makeup artist, I can’t put full make up everyday – too much, I think. Sometimes, I don’t have enough time to full makeup in the morning. The simple it is, the more I love.
Here my makeup for daily:

Forget to put angled brush, please search google aja yakkk...

1.       Small Oval Brush
2.       BB Cream/Moist
3.       Setting Powder
4.       Spoil Brush
5.       Eyebrow Pencil
6.       Eyebrow Pome/Powder
7.       Angled Brush
8.       Lipstick/Liptint

That’s it, it’s easy and quick. First, with clean face use BB Cream and apply 5 dot in your face and a long line for your neck. After that blend with small oval brush. It doesn’t full coverage but it can hold my face from oily for 5 or 6 hours depend on my activity today. My BB Cream here I use from Wardah. Usually I use from Garnier, but in that moment Wardah has special price – so I take Wardah istead. Wardah has 35 SPF so, I don’t put my sunscreen anymore. If I getting bored, I use my moist from La Tulip/Revlon and mix it with LT Pro sun screen.

Brave to put my bare face

After all blend, I set it with my setting powder or translucent powder. I have Ultima and Airspun which I pick one of them randomly.

With my spoil, I brush my eyebrow and start frame my brow with eyebrow pencil. Here I use from Just Miss, FYI, this my fav eyebrow pencil now. Before, I use Viva Pencil but it too pricey if I only use for everyday, so I change to another brand and I found this. The texture is great – not too soft and not too hard and it’s glide smoothly. I will make separate post for talking about this.

Seriously framing

Then, fill my empty space brow with eyebrow pome or powder. I used ABH Pome in medium chocolate shade with my angled brush, finish it with brush once again with spoil brush.

Last I just put the lipstick of the day. I just pick randomly from shade, if I feel brave that day I use bold color like red or purple. If I feel want to soft, just pick nude shade or soft pink. That’s it.

Finished Result

Finish the makeup for only 5 to 10 minutes. Long time ago, I used eyeliner but I run of time, at least my brow already clean and tidy so IMO it’s not necessary to put liner coz it takes long time to create it.

So, that’s my daily makeup routine, please share yours in comment below.

Love and Regards,